Month: December 2004
dang it.
I was all set to up photos today! Only when I looked for the camera, which is usually on my desk, it was not there. Why? Because my sister’s having a party and she took it… At any rate, I’m having a slight panic over the remaining Christmas presents. I’m blocking my dad’s scarf, and […]
two more little things (no knitting content)
1) Joyce gave me a present today at SnB! Aww. She’s so sweet – a book called “how to be HAPPY, dammit!” and a yummy smelling candle. Thanks hon! 2) Denny – I just checked out that picture of megan’s new cell over at yarn harlot, and you know what it is? Each of the […]
a star, bay-bee
Well, I haven’t got pictures this time, but I thought a post was in order. I’m making headway on the last-minute presents! I finished knitting the pieces to another Pasha tonight at SnB – love how it goes so fast. The sewing up is a different matter, though. That might have to be down to […]