Month: December 2004
five days
I’m not quite finished, but I am getting there! First up, my dad’s scarf is done. It needs to be Eucalan-ed and blocked out quite a bit – the edges are a bit ruffled, and it needs more length. I also finished the “not-knit-round scarf” from Sally Melville’s Book 2: The Purl Stitch. It’s pretty, […]
holiday crunch
Yay, blocking! Blocking rules. Charlotte really needs it to be finished. Six presents went into really cool boxes from the Bay to be given to aunts and cousins today! The crunch is really on, man. Time to get those family presents done. Hm. It would appear that I don’t have anything more to say today. […]
stick a fork in me
I’M DONE!!! HOORAY!! (I may not have passed, but let’s just not think about that till January.) Mini-charlotte is done, too! Colours are wayy off today, but I’m being lazy and just taking quick shots on my desk (which no long has school work on it!) Here’s a closeup of the beads I used on […]