Month: December 2004

  • so very close

    In six hours, I shall be officially done exams. I say officially, because I tend to leave exams early. This one is going to be painful, but at least it’ll be over. Since I don’t actually have any knitting content (I ripped the glove and started over; I bought beads for my mini-charlotte and stringed […]

  • glove love ‘n hate

    Gahhhhh. First off, gloves are AWESOME. As are 2.75 mm dpns. What is NOT AWESOME is realizing more than halfway through the glove that said gloves are too big for one’s tiny hands. When I used Koigu to make fingerless mittens before, I used 3mm needles and the 7 sts/in numbers. They fit perfectly (48 […]

  • knitting ADD

    Yep, I’m suffering from a bad case of startitis. The start of some koigu gloves, pour moi. Pattern from Ann Budd’s Handy Book of Patterns, koigu KPPPM, US 2 Brittany dpns. The start of a pair of legwarmers for me – one strand of Patons Classic (or P. Clizzy, as la brainy would say) and […]