Month: December 2004
how to waste precious time
Yes, I have done some work today. Yes, I will study many hours after I write this. It’s amazing how I can just throw away time. Last night, I worked for over an hour on a new layout for here (which isn’t working very well…it’ll have to wait until later in the week). Today I […]
My wrist is aching a bit! And I hardly knit yesterday OR today! Gahhh. Maybe this is the culprit – the not-knit-round scarf (it’s cotton, remember). I’ve got 6 inches done, out of a total of 17 (and it’s shaped, so it gets narrower than it is now). It is SO MUCH BETTER than the […]
one down
One assignment and two exams till freedom! Suffice it to say there hasn’t been much knitting; there probably won’t be this weekend either. I did start the sally melville capelet though, and it rocks. SO much better than that other thing. By the by, here’s the lace pattern from the capelet-no-more: row 1: *yo, k2tog* […]