Month: December 2004

  • even my knitting’s not agreeing with me

    school sucks. failure, here I come. And in that vein, the cotton capelet is no more. It was going to be way too big. And I don’t know that it seems like the kind of thing my mother would wear anyway. I did like the little lacey bit though. So now I need to find […]

  • stupid trp operon

    Thank you all for your kind comments! I don’t think I’ve ever gotten that many comments before. I wore the sweater tonight to lettuce knit for the anniversary/holiday party. I was actually warm for the first time this season – I’ve been wearing about four layers and still feeling chilled, but wool, man. It rocks. […]

  • the 8-day sweater, or: see laura procrastinate

    Surprise! To the people I don’t see in real life, anyway. I made a sweater, because I am cold and need a nice wooly pulli. (Don’t mind my pj pants – it’s gross outside so I stayed home! Plus, the studying…) Man, it is friggin’ HARD to take good pictures of yourself. Anyway! SpecsYarn: Elann […]