Month: March 2005

  • R.I.P.

    Warning: picture heavy post, more than usual. Ah, oatmeal raglan. I loved you while I had you, but once I spun you in the washer you inexplicably shrank. Not enough for you to be felt, but enough to render you unwearable. So sadly, I finally got around to dismantling you so that you might live […]

  • weekend!

    Yay! I can sleep in tomorrow! I finally got a neckline I’m satisfied with on the red and black sweater. I dropped the front neck by doing short rows, and it’s pretty snazzy, I think. I also cast on for some socks in the Regia Jubilee I got a while back – so good for […]

  • insert title here

    Here’s a pic of the Lotech sweat from Chicknits, which I’ve been working on basically just in classes. Just a front to go. I’m dropping the hood entirely, and I might not do the pockets – we’ll see about that. I might not even do the buttons. Why? Because I’m tired of this project. It […]