Month: March 2005

  • the blahs

    Yep, another case of the February blahs in March. I’m feeling rather uninspired by my knitting projects at the moment, and a large part of that is wanting it to be spring so I can knit (and then wear) spring things. Ah well, I suppose I should take this time to work on schoolwork and […]

  • not cashmere

    To celebrate the completion of two projects, and reaching the halfway point of the LoTech (I’ve decided to continue on it even though I don’t know why I chose the particular size that I did), what do I do? Why, cast on another project, of course! I’ve started the “Cashmere Pullover” from Weekend Knitting, designed […]

  • grey and perfect

    The Retro-Prep is done! I really didn’t try to cut off my head, I just need something taller to put my camera on… The Rachael! And here’s a flat shot, for completeness – the other pictures are better for the true colour. Retro Prep PulloverPattern: Interweave Knits, Fall 2002 (?)Yarn: Elann Highland Wool, Oxford Grey, […]