Month: March 2007

  • a very strange email

    If your email address is wesley at mts dot net and you sent payment for a Lucy in the Sky pattern, please email me at cosmicpluto at gmail dot com. Thanks!

  • FO: bubble sweater

    Sorry for the shitty picture. Y’all know I usually do better – maybe it’s time to give up the old camera since it seems to be crapping out on my lately… Bubble Sweater Pattern: from “Knitting Nature” by Norah Gaughan Yarn: 8 skeins Manos del Uruguay in colour 64 Needles: Denise US 6 for the […]

  • tidbits

    In lieu of the rest post, where I put up photos of the completed Bubble sweater (which I’ve worn twice already!)… This morning I forced myself awake, got dressed for work and was just about ready to go when…I knocked over a big glass of water which was on my desk, which then shattered at […]