Month: February 2008
oh no, flickr!
Well. I’ve got stuff to post, but now Flickr’s being all uptight with my photos! I upload using Flickr Uploadr, and have never had a problem till now. I’m hoping this is just a temporary thing – the photos show up in my Photostream (twice, actually, since I thought I’d try uploading them again), but […]
the last piece
Lush and Lacy is nearing the end! That’s the right front piece, which has now been completed. All the pieces are knit, but I’ve kind of stalled out on the finishing. Sewing, weaving in ends, picking up stitches for the bands and collar…thinking about it makes me kind of tired! Someone mentioned the last time […]
cosmicpluto – now in print!
My Button Raglan is today’s entry in the 2008 Stitch ‘n Bitch Page-A-Day Calendar! The content of the calendar seems pretty good, although I’m not sooo hot on the format (each page is completely individual, with no way to flip through, and if you dropped/lost a page or something you’d be screwed). My first on-paper […]