Month: June 2010
post-TNNA recap
There are a couple of main reasons why I attend the National Needlework Association trade show in Columbus (this was my second year). A big one is, of course, to see the show floor – new products, be they yarn, notions, bags, patterns, random other stuff for fall. Touching the new yarns, trying on sample […]
on the road again
I’m headed down to Columbus, Ohio tomorrow for Jeni’s Ice Cream (and a little trade show called TNNA). I’m super excited, because this show is a chance to see all those people I only see once or twice a year, eat yummy food, and check out the new yarns and patterns! I might blog on […]
Wow, the comments on that Vogue giveaway post were awesome. I loved reading about all the types of lace you guys love. A few non-scientific popular trends from the comments, off the top of my head: – Estonian lace (nupps!) – large scale lace (I love this too) – shawlettes (is anyone surprised?) – floral/organic/leafy […]