Month: July 2010

  • silk, silk, everywhere

    I finally, finally (after ripping and reknitting several times) finished the little shrug I was working on before TNNA, out of Sweetgeorgia Merino Silk DK. The yarn stood up surprisingly well to the ripping, not a pill anywhere! Unfortunately it’s too big for me. I made a bit of a math error and although it’s […]

  • spinspinspin.

    I’ve been doing lots of both! This is the cormo/silk I was working on this week – it’s a blend of 95% cormo wool, 5% silk that I got at Rhinebeck awhile back. The roving was quite narrow, almost like a pin-drafted roving, which was lots of fun to spin. Unfortunately, being such a fine […]

  • tour de fleece! day 5

    I’ve been spinning! Okay, so these two skeins were spun up ages ago. Months ago. But I only just wound them off the bobbin, so here’s the photo! These from from a Blue Moon Sheep 2 Shoe kit that I got at *last* year’s Maryland Sheep and Wool. Crazy colours. Superwash merino, chain plied into […]