Month: November 2011
swatchy swatchy
Yesterday I worked at the the yarn shop, and I took my bow sweater to work on it there. Since I’m back in again today, I left the project there overnight. So when I came home, I just had to cast on for a new sweater! Okay, yes, that’s a swatch, not a sweater. But […]
riiiiipity rip
Well. I was knitting along on my Ultra Alpaca sweater from a few posts ago, and I got up to the underarm – only to realize that while I’d planned the bow spacing correctly, I hadn’t actually knitted it that way. The spacing made it very difficult to work back and forth, which I need […]
Right-o. So it’s blog posting month, and sweater knitting month, and I’m a bit wishy washy about both! I must admit, seeing lots of new posts from old blog friends is inspiring me to blog more myself, which is definitely a plus. As for the sweater? Well, I’ve got a couple on the go already, […]