Month: December 2014

  • On Pattern Number Tables

    I’ve been using this rather untraditional method of writing out my knitting patterns (mostly sweaters) for several years now, and I thought it was high time I did a blog post about it! If you’ve used any of my sweater patterns from the last few years, or any of the patterns from Ysolda’s Little Red […]

  • Houston and Back

    We flew to Houston on Friday for my cousin Lisa’s wedding on Saturday, then came home on Sunday. It was quite a whirlwind! There was some nice sky above the clouds on the flight, but alas it was pretty grey and gloomy on the ground the whole time. No sunshine! The outdoor ceremony was a […]

  • Gleener Winner!

    Thanks so much to everyone who entered the Gleener giveaway! The Random Number Generator has picked Karalee as the winner. I’ve sent you an email Karalee! Send me your address! And since there was so much (awesome) interest in the Gleener, they’ve given me a promo code to pass onto all of you – get […]