Whew. Between working on setting up my new apartment, working at lettuce knit, working on my own stuff, and enjoying the summer food and general enjoyment, it’s been a busy month! The barest hint of fall is in the air, though it’s still pretty warm during the daytime, and I’ve been knitting bits and pieces on tons of projects.
Time for some photos!
Living room – before
Living room – after, with my new chair from Design Republic.
Bedroom – before
Bedroom – after
Foods! Scallion pancakes with scallions from the farmer’s market – so, so delicious. The dipping sauce is stellar too.
Tiny peach pies! I didn’t have enough peaches for a full pie (because I’ve been eating so many of them) so I made a few minis instead, in a muffin tin.
Knitting? Sure. I’ve been nuts for a tubular cast on.
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