a day at the fair

I took the entire weekend off – no working on patterns, no writing handouts, nothing. I was surprised that I actually had to make myself not work! And yet, I still didn’t get much done in the way of knitting. At least, I can’t really remember – I did spend some time finishing up the red crocheted skirt (modelled shot to come!).

Sunday I braved the crowds and went down to the CNE (the Canadian National Exhibition). Basically it’s a huge fair, with lots of shows, displays, shopping, various fried (and other) food, rides, games, etc. Something for everyone, I suppose.

We watched a dude get shot out of a cannon –

human cannonball

Hit the food building a couple times.

the food building

Took in the sights of the midway a few times while crossing through the crowds…

cotton candy

mr. frog!

…and ended off the evening with some crazy French acrobats and some Tiny Tom donuts. Cinnamon, of course.

aquareve at the CNE

The donuts were the only “fair” food I really ate – I wasn’t feeling too well to begin with and wasn’t keen on feeling any worse. I didn’t even get the waffle ice cream sandwich I was craving! Oh well, there’s always next year.






2 responses to “a day at the fair”

  1. Steph B. Avatar
    Steph B.

    Ooh, Tom Thumb donuts! Thanks for the memory! (Totally have to go with the cinnamon, I agree.)

  2. alison Avatar

    Oh yeah, the little donuts! Looks like fun. I love fairs like that — for a couple of hourse, until they overwhelm me and suddenly I have to leave.

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