a gem

Sapphire, she is done!

A shot of the cable on the side.

Sapphire Tank
Pattern: my own
Yarn: Pingouin “Sillages”, 6 balls
Needles: Addi Turbo 3.5 mm circular
Started: July 17, 2005
Finished: July 27, 2005

Notes: This tank went pretty quickly for 3.5 mm needles! I love the yarn, which was cotton, viscose and silk. I definitely could’ve made this tank smaller, but the fit’s not bad as is. I used a double slipped stitch edge on the armholes and straps, outlined in Annie Modesitt’s Spencer jacket pattern. All in all, not bad. Not the greatest, but not bad.

In other news…I went crazynuts with Knitpicks.

That’s Shine in Cloud (grey/silver) and Orchid (fushia), Sock Landscape in Yukon (the one in hanks), and Sock Garden in Zinnia and Star Gazer Lily. They feel sooo nice! Plans? A 3/4 sleeve pullover out of the Cloud, a shrug out of the Orchid (since now I’m all tanked out), and of course, socks.

I’m alllllmost done the knitting on the silk corset! Now I just have to pray for a blocking miracle for it to fit me. Seriously.

P.S. Thanks for all the input to my last post! I think I’m still going with the diamond spiral for banana cream, but I’ve got an idea brewing for the branching leaves pattern…



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13 responses to “a gem”

  1. adele Avatar

    Very pretty. I like how it’s nice and simple, yet the cable adds a touch of elegance. Great job. :)

    Thanks for sharing the pattern book name!

  2. Diana Avatar

    Wow, you are such a productive knitter! That blue in the tank is one of my favorite colors. Great job. I’ll look forward to see what you knit from the new Knitpicks yarn!

  3. Jen M Avatar
    Jen M

    Cute tank – love the cable detail, and the square neckline suits you. I can’t believe how you crank out the beautiful FOs!

  4. Jill Avatar

    Looks great Laura.

  5. Melissa Avatar

    You are so productive! Nice job.

  6. Dani Avatar

    Very nice!

  7. grumperina Avatar

    Looks great! Lovely pattern! I love your post’s title ;). The KnitPicks order *looks* extreme, but it’s really not so much.

  8. lyn Avatar

    That’s so pretty… the cable sides are perfect :-)

  9. tanti Avatar

    i enjoying read your blog..and your knit also great :)
    wish i can have more time for spinning and knitting like you do…;)
    keep up the good work ;)

  10. Samantha Avatar

    Sapphire looks great, and looks like it fit well too. :) I envy your order from KnitPicks. It looks so very yummy.

    Happy knitting!

  11. Anna Avatar

    Wow, great job! It fits you perfectly–how awesome is that? Love the cables, adds a nice touch.

  12. Vicki Avatar

    Nice tank – I really like the cable down the side.

  13. Wanda Avatar

    Very beautiful. I love Sapphire. That’s a great color on you and a good job of designing.

    I don’t think the KnitPicks order was too bad and I’m sure you didn’t spend that much either, huh?!

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