a hexagon blanket, for a wedding

A long time ago, I bought a whole whack* of Noro Silk Garden Sock in two different colourways, both neutrals – one in black/brown/tan, and one in tan/cream/white. I set about making a blanket. I didn’t really work on it very often, just went on jags once in awhile. I took the hexes travelling with me to more than one place – Rhinebeck, TNNA in California, and the UK!

the beginnings of obsession



(Trafalgar Square!)

piles of hexes

Finally in June the yarn was all used up. I set about putting the hexes into their order for the blanket that I’d decided would be for some very good friends who were getting married at the beginning of July.

organizing by shade

I sorted them into piles by shade, then laid them out. The blanket wasn’t quite as big as I’d hoped, but it looked like a great size for the couch.


I started with the darkest in one corner, then moved across to the lightest in the opposite corner, diagonally.


It was a classic race to the finish! There was crocheting the hexes into strips, then the strips into a square; crocheting a border around the whole thing and then about 500 ends to weave in, plus it needed a good blocking. So you know what that means? No photos of the finished blanket! D’oh! I laid it out to dry the night before the wedding, packed it up the next afternoon and off it went. I was very pleased with it.

I’ll have to ask Vivek and Gina to send me some photos of it in its new home.

the first dance

Meanwhile, it all begins again….


*edited to add! In this case, a whack means 8 skeins (4 of each), plus an extra skein of Tanis sock yarn to put it together with : )



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15 responses to “a hexagon blanket, for a wedding”

  1. Julie La Salle Avatar
    Julie La Salle

    I would like to learn to crochet. Can you suggest a book?
    I really like how the color changes when the hexagons are organized on you bed.
    Thank you

  2. Megan Avatar

    Wow!! The squares are gorgeous, I can only imagine how lovely the blanket is.

  3. Beverly (db81971) Avatar
    Beverly (db81971)

    Lovely!!! How much is a whole whack? This might be a great summer project.

  4. kate Avatar

    I have been so attracted to neutrals lately (says the girl who just bound off on a bright yellow sweater), and the way you organized the colors makes it even more beautiful. Love it!

  5. Amy Avatar

    beautiful! I too want to know how many skeins are in a whack.

  6. Tierney Avatar

    I love the way that the noro came out. I have never actually used any but I always see amazing things done in them. The colors that you chose go together so nicely. I hope the the lucky couple were thoroughly impressed and get us a picture of the finished product!

  7. Anna Avatar

    Wow, that’s so gorgeous!

  8. kingshearte Avatar

    I love the crocheted blankets that pop up in various places everywhere, and yours is no exception. But 500 ends to weave in? I don’t love anyone that much.

  9. Cassy Avatar

    That blanket is beautiful and very thoughtful. Love the natural colors.

  10. Jane Avatar

    Oooh, the next one is pretty-pretty! Is that your handspun?

  11. Shawn Avatar

    This is absolutely gorgeous and so very thoughtful. What a good friend you are, Laura! Beautiful work…

  12. Ivete Avatar

    Beautiful! And such a caring wedding present, I’m sure they will cherish it. Also, I love the idea of shading the hexagons diagonally like that, makes a much more modern with the traditional crochet! I may have to copy you =)

  13. Beth Avatar

    Ditto on loving the way you shaded the hexagons across the blanket, ditto on may have to copy. What great taste you have.

  14. Maryse Avatar

    I hope your friends will send a photo… :-( It was so pretty just in the making! Have a great weekend!

  15. Italian Dish Knits Avatar

    Shoot – I would have loved to see the finished blanket! That looks GORgeous! I love the neutral colors. What a lot of work.

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