a new friend

Last week I took a quick break from my (many) sweater projects to whip up a test knit – this is Poklon by ysolda, the latest of her Knitworthy patterns.

Isn’t he so cute?! Ysolda’s pup is a girl, but I think mine is a boy.



There were some very slight changes to the pattern while I was knitting and editing it, but overall it was very quick, if a bit fiddly (like most toys). Make sure you have enough stuffing, because it takes more than you think to make it firm enough!


I used Cascade Eco wool and 4mm needles, so my pup is bigger – about 24″ from the base of the tail to the tip of the nose. I think he might need a sweater!


I didn’t have safety eyes, so I just embroidered on the eyes with brown and black sock yarn. I used the black sock yarn doubled for the nose and mouth – I love the little smile! Embroidering good faces is hard, so don’t worry if you have to redo it a couple times. I certainly needed to.



Probably as close to a pet dog as we’ll get, living in this apartment! Pretty great for snuggles, and no cleaning up after him. ;) The pattern is available as part of the Knitworthy collection. Check it out on Ravelry.

I’ll have a new sweater pattern of my own this week too! Stay tuned.

Rusholme peek



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2 responses to “a new friend”

  1. Marion Evans Avatar
    Marion Evans

    Last year I made several “Just enough Ruffles” scarf from a pattern you had on Ravelry for my daughters.
    I bought the yarn in the United States. Now somebody else is hinting about they would like one.

    However, I cannot find this particular wool here in Canada. I used Malabrigo worsted:
    Varigated colours: 633 Colorinche and 627 Milonga per the tags on the wool.

    I might even make one for myself. My daughters just loved their scarves.

    I live in Kingston, Ontario, so somewhere near here would be great……..if possible.
    I sent a email to your address as noted but it has come back. Using this method. Hope it works.
    Hope you can help.

  2. Allison Avatar

    So cute! I love Ysolda’s toy patterns :)

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