a spinner is born

So back at Rhinebeck,my travel buddies Cheryl and Andrea both decided on Sunday afternoon that it was high time to look for a spindle and some roving and get spinning! Obviously I was rather pleased, having both of them turned by the wool fumes…buahaha.

With that goal and a tight budget for this whole spinning lark, we set out to find some inexpensive spindles (a bit challenging) and some pretty roving (not nearly as challenging) and I got ’em spindling on our last night at our Rhinebeck house.

Fast forward a month, and both of them have finished their very first handspuns! I didn’t take a photo of Cheryl’s (I should’ve though, it was awesome) but I did take some photos of Andrea on Wednesday night at knit night!

Plying…which is my favourite part;

big-time plying

Stephanie helping Andrea with Andean plying;

andean plying

And Andrea’s very first plied mini-skein! She ended up with about 100 yards or so. (From pretty Ashland Bay merino, in case anyone’s wondering!)

first skein of finished handspun!

Awesome. I love seeing spinners being born.

I’ve been spinning a little bit myself, too – here’s some gorgeous 2ply worsted-ish weight that I spun up from merino/silk batts that I got at Rhinebeck. I haven’t counted up the yardage yet, and there’s another bobbin full that I haven’t wound off yet.

from Rhinebeck batts

I’ve also finally managed to get a few woven scarves up in my Etsy shop. I’d wanted to get more done for this update, but I figure I’ll just add as I go – lots more to come, and you can always contact me if you have a request!

new woven scarves



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8 responses to “a spinner is born”

  1. Andrea Avatar

    Thanks for leaving out the flattering photos of my big gut sticking out.

    Thanks for blogging about it – it’s nice to read about again. It was such fun!

  2. Kim Avatar

    Wow, they’re all beautiful- that white one is especially stunning.

  3. Wendolene Avatar

    What fun! I’ve been trying to get into spindling…maybe a really great batt is all I need.
    All your scarves are beautiful–I can’t wait to see more!

  4. Andrea Avatar

    P.S. Your scarves and handspun are delicious!

  5. Marie Avatar

    That soft white version is really lovely!

  6. Debbie Avatar

    The scarves are so beautiful. I wish I knew how to spin! It looks like such fun.

  7. Seanna Lea Avatar

    Your merino silk yarn is stunning! Such a great color and it looks really soft.

  8. Dr. Steph Avatar

    Those scarves are so nice. I need to get Emma to get her project off my loom!

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