a week past

I’m sure you’ve seen Ysolda’s awesome TNNA booth around the internets, but I’ve some photos to share too! Who cares that they’re a little late?

the whole booth

Looking into the booth from the aisle. Featuring Olgajazzzy in the middle!

gudrun's corner

Gudrun’s beautiful corner.

sweaters and shawls

My own corner!

fab posters for Little Red in the City

I LOVE these posters for Ysolda’s upcoming book, Little Red in the City – those buttons and skeins of yarn were surprisingly difficult to pin up there though!

small bob

Small Bob hangin’ with the toys and trains.

photobooth photos

Fantastic photos hanging outside the photobooth. So fun.

And for a bit of knitting content, the shrug I was working on before TNNA, and before I was sidelined by my elbow pain:

sweetgeorgia merino silk DK

It’s in Sweetgeorgia Merino Silk DK, and though I didn’t get to wear it in Columbus, I’m back working on it now! Mmmm, silky.



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10 responses to “a week past”

  1. marlie Avatar

    Thanks for sharing! Random question… is there any way that you know the name of the pattern for the blue shawl in the “Gudrun” photo??? Thanks!

  2. Jocelyn Avatar

    Small Bob is so adorable. Did you make him or is it another Ysolda exclusive?

  3. Laughingrat Avatar

    Small Bob is adorable, but naturally, my eyes were drawn to the little knitted mouse in the background. ;)

  4. Kathy Avatar

    Thank you so much for sharing the great photos. The booth with all the wonderful items looks amazing.

  5. Wendolene Avatar

    Thanks for the pictures! I love everyone’s shawls all hung out on lines so the light goes through the lace patterns.

  6. Maryse Avatar

    Thanks for allowing us to take a peak at TNNA!!!

  7. Seanna Lea Avatar

    That yarn is gorgeous. Is compulsive yarn shopping a disease, because I really want to buy more yarn now?

  8. kala Avatar

    Great pictures, thanks for sharing!

  9. Knittripps Avatar

    Looks like fun! Wish I could have been there.

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