
I’ve been rather sneezy today, especially tonight – autumn allergy season, I guess! I was in the garden for an hour or so this evening picking tomatoes, another fifteen pounds probably. The plants are really starting to go so I tried to pick all the tomatoes from the plants that are really on the way out (ie. crispy).

I’ve been having a bit of a project-flitting thing this week, but I did manage to finish off a long-standing sock.

one down, one to go

One plain toe-up sock in sweetgeorgia sock yarn, in “fondant”. It’s pretty wild – and the ice blue did this crazy thing on the leg, following a perfectly normal spiral on the foot –

vertical stripes

The other side of the leg is the same – so I’ve got two vertical stripes running up the sides of the leg. Let’s hope the other sock goes a little more quickly!

I’ve got another *finally* finished minor FO to share, but I’ll leave that for tomorrow – they’re entirely weather inappropriate anyway. Hey Autumn, when’s that cool weather coming? Because seriously? Thirty degrees celsius is wayyyy too hot for the first week of fall.







6 responses to “achoo!”

  1. Arianne Avatar

    Don’t you just love Sweet Georgia! It was my first yarn crush. I have 4 skeins of it in my stash and now I’m not sure if I want to use them…I mean, they’re practically collectors items!

  2. gleek Avatar

    the same thing happened with my sweet georgia socks. so strange that the color does that!

  3. alice Avatar

    I have to comment… but the mix of your title and the image of the greeny-blue running through made me think of a trail of snot. That sounds bad, but I actually think its rather beautiful – hope they match!

  4. Amy Avatar

    I made this tomato sauce last night and it was really good and uses a lot of tomatoes:
    I would probably use red wine instead of orange juice if you’re going to make it, though.

  5. Rippedoffknitter Avatar

    Wow, even if that yarn does crazy things that I normally don’t like so much, I just love it! Wonderful and unusual colour combo!

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