actually, you know what?

Through January 31, 50% of the purchase price of ALL cosmicpluto knits! patterns will be donated toward the Haiti relief effort! I’ve decided that it’s just easier from a bookkeeping end (kidding).

Since there will be more money to donate, I’ve decided that half of the proceeds will go to MSF as planned, and half will go to the Canadian Red Cross. Thanks so much to everyone who has already helped.

And so this isn’t another photoless post, a bit of knitting – a new mitten. I started these last night after thinking about them for ages, changed my mind on yarn and pattern a few times, then finally hit on the right combo.

YIP: January 17



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7 responses to “actually, you know what?”

  1. Sarah Avatar

    Thank you for doing this – sounds like a great time to get some Milkweed in my life

  2. KateK8 Avatar

    Purple, aqua, AND a honeycomb pattern? You have managed to design all of my current favorite elements into a mitten pattern. Can’t wait to see it when it is done!

  3. Kelly Avatar

    Just wanted to say that it is great that you are supporting the people of Hati in this way. Also, I am in the middle of making the just enough ruffles scarf. I love it and can’t wait to finish it!!

  4. Katie Avatar

    Gorgeous colorwork! And much love to you and the other designers who are so generously supporting the work in Haiti! xoxo

  5. Knittripps Avatar

    I love the look of your new mitten! I have some purple yarn in my stash that I just can’t seem to find a good use for.

  6. Jen Avatar

    Thank you for doing this with all your patterns. It really encouraged me to make a purchase from you.

  7. Maryse Avatar

    The mittens already look great ;-) Nice colors! Look forward to see the end product!

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