attention: I am the stupid

Went to the closest-by mall (which still takes a half hour by transit) to look for a dress for a wedding I’m attending next weekend. Found a suitable one at H&M, took a photo in the changeroom for my 365, and then went and bought the dress.

Did a bunch of other errands, came home…and realized once I was on the bus right near my house that I’d left my camera (my Canon point-and-shoot) in the H&M changeroom.


(I’ve called H&M and left a description; I’m thinking though if no one’s turned it in by now it’s probably gone. Sigh. At least it wasn’t my big camera, but then I’d be less likely to lose that one anyway! And now someone has stupid photos of me, too.)






26 responses to “attention: I am the stupid”

  1. yarnpiggy Avatar

    Eeek. That sucks. I’m so sorry.

  2. Mel Avatar

    Having just had my camera stolen a few weeks back, I totally understand the loss of losing one’s camera! I’m glad it wasn’t your primary camera, at least! Here’s to some good samaratin turning it in and you getting your camera back soon!

  3. Knittripps Avatar

    Oh no! I am sorry to hear that. What a sick in the stomach feeling that must be.

  4. Jody Avatar

    Oh that sucks! I’m so sorry that happened. I think it’s almost worse to lose the pictures than the camera :(

  5. Carishma Avatar

    That sucks! If it makes you feel any better, I found a camera a few months back on a hike and was able to return it to it’s rightful owner, so will keep fingers crossed for you.

  6. Em Avatar

    Oh man, that’s just awful. I really hope that someone ethical ended up in that change room after you and brought the camera to mall security or something. Best of luck!

  7. eca Avatar

    ooooooh that really stinks. i’m sorry!

  8. Alice Avatar

    I lost a camera, too. It was Chinese New Year in NYC and we were visiting my parents to celebrate; one of those rare New Years that co0incided with the kids’ long vacations. We had already taken tons of photos, some with my 85 year old grandfather and lots of my adorable little niece, including some videos. Husband went into a Barnes and Noble and dropped the brand new camera in the bathroom!! He went back in immediately once he left the store, but who are we kidding- we were in New York City. It was heartbreaking to lose a new camera and disquieting to know that some lucky asshole was looking at pictures of my family. I feel for you.

  9. Carmen Avatar

    Shit shit shit!

  10. Andi Avatar

    “k, that sucks. ‘Specially those stupid photos of you. Couldn’t be that stupid… could they

  11. cici Avatar

    Oh no,, I hope you can get it back

  12. SpiderWomanKnits Avatar

    Oh no. I did the same thing at a local art museum with my Coolpix (with a brand new SD card) and when I called they basically laughed at me and said “nothing was turned in.” I don’t think I would have recovered if it was my D60 though. I hope you have better luck than me.

  13. Rita Avatar

    I am so sorry, Laura, this can happen to anyone, you are not stupid, you are a very bright, multitalented young woman with so many things going on,it can easily happen. Just a little bend in the road, soon something really good is coming your way again.Love, Rita

  14. Alice from france Avatar

    Ho that’s a shame! I understand that makes you angry against yourself, i’ve lost in a bus my mp3 player and i was disapointed and angry with myself, plus i used to knit a little purse for this, so it was sentimental too, and i’m a great music lover so lost my music plus my knitting outfit, i was really sad.
    Happily some weeks later my parents gave me another mp3 player and now life go on!
    But i still prefered former mp3 system…

    Take care Laura! It happen to anyone to forgot something!

  15. not an artist Avatar

    Oooh, that sucks! I’ve done stuff like that and it is the worst feeling…

    If it helps, you are doing better than me on the “having a completed dress to wear to the wedding” aspect of the whole thing.

  16. Estella Avatar

    Oh how awful! I’m always saying it is a good thing my head is attached to me as I’d lose it in a store very easily. I hope the kindness of someone will come through and your camera will be returned to you.

  17. Jennifer MacDonald Avatar

    When my family and I went to Paramount Canada’s Wonderland 2 years ago we left our camera in a locker and my brother’s girlfriend took all the pictures on her camera. A couple days later she went partying and lost that camera with all the pictures on it of our trip!!! I was so angry at myself for not taking pictures on my own camera. We don’t have any pictures of our trip there now and since we live in New Brunswick it’s a big deal. I would be more upset about losing the pics than the actual camera. Poor you! Hopefully nobody puts those pictures on the internet…people can be weird sometimes. Don’t be too hard on yourself though. We’ve all had something like that happen at one point or another.

  18. Andrea Avatar

    I cringed a bit when I read that. I have a habit *ahem, Rhinebeck cell phone loss* of losing things. I lose my wallet every day for five minutes.
    My fingers are crossed that someone does the right thing and turns it in.

  19. Emily Avatar

    In the past year I’ve found 2 wallets (in parking lots) and 1 diamond ring (gym shower) and turned them all in, so I’m sending up some good karma that it is found by a person who will do the right thing!!!! xoxo

  20. Dea Avatar

    DAMN! I think swearing is in order!

  21. SamLaTricoteuse Avatar

    Know the feeling – my Coolpix (not a big camera but still very practical – not my Nikon D80 at least) was stolen from me in NY on Thanksgiving.. Frankly I would have hoped those pickpockets would have left the memory card in my bag at least – do not care at this point of the camera.. Want the pictures – especially when it was after our night tour and the day before leaving – sigh !!!

  22. Cassy Avatar

    That’s terrible! I hope someone is honest and turns it in.

  23. Seanna Lea Avatar

    Ouch! I’ve got my fingers crossed for you.

  24. petunialu Avatar

    sad day! i’ve done things like that before… once i through my social security id card in the trash can at the mall when i was “emptying out my pockets”… don’t ask me why it was in there in the first place!

    i hope someone turns it in- i have my fingers crossed!

  25. scott Avatar

    Don’t give up hope. My daughter had her camera stolen a few weeks ago. A few days later it was returned to her by a person who recognized my daughter in the pictures on the camera. The person said that the camera was sold to him but he couldn’t remember who the person was or what he looked like. Perhaps he stole the camera himself but a least it was returned.

  26. anya Avatar

    Yeah, I left my point & shoot camera at a wedding a month ago, and it hasn’t returned to me.. it’s sad to part ways with cameras. hopefully it will turn up or you can get a good deal on a new camera with the holiday season sales coming up.

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