After a while of severe non-progress around here, I’ve finally got some things to show!
Trekking Socks
Pattern: basic sock on 64 stitches, short row heel, regular toe
Yarn: Trekking XXL 100
Needles: Clover 2.0 mm dpn
Finished: March 24, 2006
Took awhile to get them done – they were the on-the-go project. But look at those colours!
New gadget – a Weavette handloom! I tried one out at work last week and it was so addictive, I had to get one – I got the 6×6 square.
I’ve done 2 squares with fleece artist sock yarn leftovers. They’re making an awesome plaid pattern! I’ve got enough left for maybe one more square. Think of the leftover possibilities…
Even more fibre-y fun: new yarns!
Blue-face leicester, 2ply, 210 yards. I wasn’t sure about the colours in this one (I dyed the roving beforehand) but I actually really like the result! It’s springy; yellow and yellow-y green, with some pinky bits as well.
Watermelon-coloured bfl singles. You know, I’m never sure about singles. I put a bit more twist in this skein than I thought I should for singles, but they still feel a bit…unsubstantial. Perhaps I need to try a mroe worsted technique for less airy yarn when doing singles.
Fleece Artist-dyed wool/silk (65/35) 2ply. It’s a honking skein – 640 yards! And oh so soft and shiny. Mmmmmmmm.
That’s it for today – I’ve got another FO that I’m saving for tomorrow!
And thanks for everyone who participated in my survey – I’m closing it up now, and will draw for a gifty sometime this week. Those that left their surveys in the comments that are begin held for moderation – I won’t be approving them (so they won’t show up with your name) but I did get them! Thanks!
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