I’ve been home sick all this week, and I think I’m finally feeling better. Still a ways to go though. I spent a few days pretty much doing nothing, but now I have some energy back so I’ve been crocheting.
Piles of these circles for the innards of a bunch of hexagons, following this tutorial. It’s very easy, and they’re really quick. I’m working with a bunch of random skeins of Cascade 220 and a 4.25mm crochet hook (G). I’ve made 32 so far in about 3 days. I’ll do the last round of all of them in the same colour and join them as I go, once I have them all. I think I might aim for 100.
I guess I’m pretty bad at taking it easy, because this week I’ve also started laying out 5 new sweater patterns, and swatching for some new designs. Double-stranded Handmaiden Casbah!
Watching: CW’s Nikita – it’s filmed here in Toronto, and it’s pretty fun picking out locations! Good butt-kicking fun.
Reading: Cryponomicon by Neil Stephenson. It’s going to take awhile.
Eating: not much, sadly. But congee is a good, plain, comforting food. It’s just 1 cup of rice (I used short-grain, like sushi rice), 8 cups of water, simmered together for an hour or two with some salt until it’s like a porridge. Serve with sesame seeds and soy sauce/tamari, and whatever mix-ins you like – I usually do some sauteed tofu and peas, but I’m just eating it plain right now.
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