Check out the pictures on Dani’s blog! It came out super great and I think she was really surprised.
Anyway, this is a rather short and boring post, but I turned the heel on the second Lorna’s laces sock and am in the home stretch! For some crazy reason I thought I’d be able to finish it tonight, but that’s just because I’m nuts. Oh, and I worked on the body of Retro-Prep today as well, and am about two inches away from the underarm. Soon to be stuck on sleeve island – I’ve decided to go with the sleeves as written, which is kind of different for me. I will be changing the neckline though, because I want a wider, more boatneck line.
Once these two wool sweaters are done (retro-prep and knitty project) I’m movin’ on to spring stuff! I mean, of course I won’t abandon wool. But I’m going to pick up the Lo Tech sweat and work on that. Cotton-ease is just so cozy and comfy, works up fast, and will be perfect to throw on when it gets a little warmer (please, let this winter end…).
Pictures to come soon! Maybe even tonight!
P.S. Oh, Elann, why must you torment me so…I want some Baby Silk. I even have a credit now (uh…that could be a bad thing, since it means I’ve spent over, what, $660 CDN there?). Okay. I must exercise some restraint.
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