box bag, berries and bobbins

Man, I don’t know where my crafting focus has gone these days. Well, I guess I actually DO know, I’m just impatient to get back on track with all my various projects! I’ve been a little all over the place with all my various crafts (sewing, cooking, gardening, spinning, and you know, the knitting) that I haven’t been able to focus well on any particular one, really.

I’ve got all sorts of fabric that’s come into the house…


(knits on the left from Wazoodle, organic cotton and some cotton print on the right from Tonic Living.)

I’ve been picking cherries from the sour cherry tree in my yard, although I haven’t done anything with them yet – I’m thinking pie:

sour cherry

A little bit of knitting, just plugging away on the pink Thermal. I’ve got a very new little cousin that I want to knit stuff for too, but I just haven’t managed to get started yet!

little thermals

I’m feeling very scattered and unfocused. I’ve decided that this summer I’m going to try to take it easy on myself, although I know I might have some projects coming up that will make that difficult! I’ll be working in the store a lot more over the summer, between megan taking time off to have her baby, and denny going away on a couple fun trips. But one thing seems to be helping me focus? The Tour de Fleece.

tour de fleece, july 11

When I started spinning today I was feeling a bit defeated by the enormous bag of fibre before me, with only one and a half bobbins spun – but I sat at the wheel for a few hours this afternoon, and have managed to up the count to three full bobbins and a bit of a fourth. I’ve got a couple movies recorded on the DVR, and I’m staying in all this weekend, so spinning here I come! I want to spin all the singles before I ply, but since I don’t have quite so many bobbins, I’ll need to wind them off on the ball winder as I go.

One more thing that I think will help me focus a bit? My new project bag – a super cute box bag by rachel m.! We hung out today and she was lovely enough to gift me one. I think I might start a new pair of socks just to keep them in here.

box bag, outside!

One more summer plan – more blogging. I’m working on it, really I am!



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6 responses to “box bag, berries and bobbins”

  1. Susannah Avatar

    I love the pink fabric and that bag is adorable! I’ve been pretty focused on knitting over the summer, but new crafty goodness is creeping it’s way in… I’ve added quite a few crochet patterns to my list and I’m desperately trying to hold back on buying a whole new dyeing system. I managed to finish my Lucy in the Sky before starting anything else, though, which is a huge accomplishment for me!

  2. kelly jo Avatar

    I love those baby thermals! Are you going to have the pattern on your website anytime soon?

  3. Knittripps Avatar

    I love new project bags. I know what you mean about not being able to focus/having your crafting ambitions all over the place. I’ve been feeling the same way lately.

  4. beth Avatar

    yay! would love to see you blog more :)

  5. danielle Avatar

    The project bag is adorable! I think you should absolutely give yourself a break and just craft what moves you.

  6. lynne Avatar

    That box bag is ADORABLE! And I don’t think there’s any such thing as a homely pie- that one looks SO yummy!

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