
It was great having Ysolda here this week, we had lots of fun! Let’s see how much I can cram into this post – mostly photos.

We did lots of knitting on the various forms of the TTC.

day two, streetcar

Ysolda got two awesome dresses at the Clothing Show (there’s a photo of the other one on her blog). Her sweater pattern will be forthcoming on the blog as well..

day four: shopping jaunt

We went ribbon shopping at Mokuba:

so. much. ribbon.

And yarn shopping at Romni (where I got the fibranatura from the last post).

shopping at Romni

On her last day here, Ysolda came with me to work, and we sat and chatted and crocheted.

last day: ysolda at LK

And then it was time to say goodbye, sniff.


Now I really want to go visit Edinburgh!




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24 responses to “catch-up”

  1. Joan Hamer Avatar

    Wow, look at all that yarn! I love your sweater too. What a fun day.

  2. Alice from france Avatar

    It’s great to follow the meeting adventure of two knitters and bloggers you like. Makes me want to visit you too! lol! But i want to visit your two respective country.
    I’m happy for both of you that you enjoy to meet you!

  3. Gudrun Avatar

    Looks like the two of you had a lot of fun… and those shoes are super funky!! I’m going back home to Scotland for a while in August and hope to meet Ysolda…..

  4. Lizzy Avatar

    She’s so sweet! It was great you could get together, thanks for sharing the photos.

  5. Kristin Avatar

    What a fine time! I want a day like that.
    Hey, do you have any info about that hat she’s wearing in the first photo? I’d love to make one.

  6. ysolda Avatar

    Tell your mother I got here safely, she made me promise to email – sorry it took so long! I’m crazily tired but having fun :) And you should totally come to Edinburgh my dear x

  7. Avatar

    Oh my goodness! Looks like you had a great time. The next time I visit Toronto, I’ll have to head to the places that you’ve mentioned. Looks like heaven.

  8. Jodi Avatar

    Sounds like so much fun! Love Ysolda’s new cardi.

  9. Debbie Avatar

    It’s really great to have a friend from afar, and one who knits! Wow! I love her wardrobe. She has a style that’s all her own, that’s for sure.

  10. Hannahbelle Avatar

    Your workplace looks so cute and quirky! I love those chairs! And all the yarn, and ribbon….

    Thanks for letting me know where Ysolda got her dress :) I probably won’t buy the same one but it’s inspiring me to make something similar.

  11. Hannahbelle Avatar

    edit: silly me, thinking that by The Clothing Show you meant a shop, rather than the actual Show. I looked it up online and there’s no way I’d find out who made her dress without clicking every link! I’ll have to drop her a line on Ravelry.

  12. Seanna Lea Avatar

    It sounds like you had a lot of fun!

  13. Keatyn Avatar

    Looks like you had a great time together.

  14. yoel Avatar

    Looks like you two had a blast! The shoes are awesome!

  15. Risa Avatar

    I love all of the pictures. I seems you had a great time. I love the hat Ysolda is wearing in the first picture!!!

  16. Diana Avatar

    Wow, I didn’t even know that ribbon shops existed. Looks like you two had fun.

  17. rebecca Avatar

    looks like a delightful visit!

  18. Marie Avatar

    I drive past that bus stop in the picture every day! Toronto has a fair number of knitting celebs that I occasionally see but two together at a bus stop near my house!?

  19. Tenders Avatar

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  20. Kinder Avatar

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  21. Meloman Avatar

    Нормальненько все с наполнением, нашел все то на что рассчитывал.Хорошо сделали.

  22. moscowserg Avatar

    Доброго времени суток. ТС, Ваш пост весьма интересен. Я думаю в комментах писать свою мыслю не буду. Пишите в аську

  23. Bettech Avatar

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  24. Avtolubitil Avatar

    А автомобильный по тематике блог никто не подскажет.

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