Category: 365

  • fits and starts

    Whew, that flu really knocked me out – I didn’t even want to knit for a couple days, so you *know* I was really ill! But after that the crafting kicked right back in – and hard. I finally blocked the slip-stitch ridged cardigan I posted about before – now it’s just waiting for some […]

  • FO: more and taller socks

    I started these ones in India but didn’t get very far – I think I was on the top of the increases when I got home. These started out with the intention of being knee socks, but once I hit the ribbing I just kept going! I thought they would end up thigh-high, but they’re […]

  • FO: Lucy in the Sky

    So, way back in January I was working on a new version of my Lucy cardigan before I set out on my trip. Despite the minor snag in the underarm gusset, I did get it done, blocked, and buttons sewn on right before I left! Of course I didn’t get around to taking any photos […]