Category: adventures

  • Amsterdam, part 2: food and stuff

    Many photos! Much prettiness! Cafe Katoen Kip in het IJ – we usually researched the places we were eating, but this one was a hungry walk-by near the Resistance museum. Bitterballen in the back, yum. Flea market at Waterlooplein Yakitori from our first night in town. Apple pie, bitter lemon, and fresh mint tea, at […]

  • Spring/Summer Sweater Patterns

    I’ve got a rather large sweater design to finish this week, so of course I’m dreaming of new projects! It’s gotten pretty sticky here the last few days (for me, anyway – I have a tough time in the summer!), but that never deters me. Need a little layer for those chilly movie theatres and […]

  • A Flowery Monday

    Pretty things to brighten up your Monday! Viewing the cherry blossoms at High Park (along with everyone else in town!), May 8 2015. They’re growing! Dianthus (carnations), peas, radishes.