Category: crafting

  • my (mostly) handmade christmas outfit

    I hope you are all having a wonderful holiday season! The ice storm here in Toronto last Saturday really put a strange damper on things this year – my parents’ house, which usually hosts a giant Christmas dinner, was without power (heat, hot water) for over 60 hours! The power was finally restored to them […]

  • sweater surgery

    I’ve been knitting a big, cozy, cardigan for D., but it’s gone through a few iterations in the last few weeks! I knit up some love set-in, horizontal pockets…but they were deemed too small so I ripped them out (I’ll have to save those pockets for something for myself and my tiny hands!). Then I […]

  • Orbital Ornaments!

    New pattern day! I’ve been working hard on these little guys for ages, and I am SO HAPPY to share them with you for this crafting holiday season. (Yes, I said it.) I really, really, especially love the rocket. Celebrate the season (any season) with these fun, nontraditional ornaments! These space-themed ornaments work up quickly […]