Category: europe2008

  • enroute

    Dinner last night – Indian food takeaway (I’m eating a samosa in this rather blurry photo!). Yum yum. Currently on the train from Edinburgh to London, with free wifi! We’ve been on for about three hours with nearly two to go – whew. I will say that the train is pretty civilized way to travel…even […]

  • i made it!

    A horrendously boring 2-hour wait in a nearly-closed airport (the duty free shops even closed at midnight) and a 7-hour flight later, I’m here in Edinburgh! Ysolda’s a great hostess – and she’s got a fantastic flat. The delay on the flight actually put me on a pretty good schedule, because I slept a few […]

  • grrrr

    My flight out tonight to Edinburgh was delayed by SIX HOURS, form 8 pm to 2 am! So instead of being on a plane, I’m at home in my pjs still (headed out to the airport around eleven). Could be worse – I could be stuck in the airport! Good things: at least I found […]