Category: finished object

  • Relaunch: Top Down Shoulder Warmer

    I’ve been meaning to do this for ages! I picked up some gorgeous Malabrigo Rios and knit up a new version of my Top Down Shoulder Warmer. The 2015 version features expanded sizing (to fit 28-56″ bust), new photos, schematics and a spiffy new layout. Oh, and the option to work the sleeves in the […]

  • FO: Loads of Garter Stitch

    Finished object: hat and booties! I think they are pretty cute! Patterns: Cutest Booties by Stephanie; hat pattern is my own – it was surprising to me that I couldn’t find a good garter stitch hat pattern for babies! Yarn: Debbie Bliss Rialto 4 ply – very soft and nice, but splitty. Good for making […]

  • stitched gifts

    I didn’t make a lot of handmade gifts this year (other than a LOT of caramels, cookies, truffles, and peppermint patties) but I did decide rather late in the game to stitch up these pieces for my sisters! Mochi the Maltese from andiwabisabi on Etsy. I used blue Aida for this one because most of […]