Category: food

  • On Pattern Number Tables

    I’ve been using this rather untraditional method of writing out my knitting patterns (mostly sweaters) for several years now, and I thought it was high time I did a blog post about it! If you’ve used any of my sweater patterns from the last few years, or any of the patterns from Ysolda’s Little Red […]

  • October Garden

    There’s not much left to look at, but I’m glad we finally got out to finish harvesting everything. We;re out of yard waste bags though, so the real cleanup will have to wait a bit! I’m going to have to figure out something else to do with these green tomatoes (I made hot dog relish […]

  • Extremes

    Handspun love! Pie love! Knitting LOVE!! HAAAATE. Apologies if you tried to reach my site yesterday or today and it was down – it’s been fixed! Pesky server upgrades.