Category: food
giveaway time!
Apologies for the lack of blog posting! I’ve been working and otherwise a little busy this week: Yesterday I (with some help) canned two bushel boxes of roma tomatoes from the grocery store – getting to the last of the season, they were only $10 each! I’m so tempted to go back and get another […]
Really Must Stop Looking At Yarn!! (Although if you like the colour of Silk Garden that I used for Rayne, it’s on sale at Littleknits under the word “looking” above :p) Must not buy yarn! It’s tough when there are such pretty things out there, but I have GOT to save some money to spend […]
Want knitting? Skip to the end. The beans have really popped! I harvested by first beans today – a good handful of Royal Burgundy and Provider bush beans. I sauteed them briefly in a little olive oil, then sprinkled them with salt and downed them right quick. Yum. About ten minutes from plant to mouth. […]