Category: knitting
Treading Water
Whew. Getting a job outside my house has been pretty exhausting! It’s been pretty good though, lots of nice people, and just a 10 minute walk commute. Finding knitting and crafting time has been hard though. My pile of WIPs (works in progress) has been staring at me from beside the computer for ages. But […]
KAL Kickoff!
The Snooker Mitts KAL is underway on Ravelry! It’s a pretty small group right now so join us anytime! Hashtag for IG and Twitter? #snookermittsKAL! Marled yarn is all the rage right now, and Mountain Colors Twizzle is an awesome example! The silk plied in with the wool take the dye extra brilliantly for that […]
new skeins
I forgot to share my purchases from Verb in Oakland! One of the “reasons” I “had” to buy stuff was to pay Denny for her excellent sample knitting. She got some fancy yarn… And some fancy fabric! Khadi cotton and cotton grown by Sally Fox! I’m pretty sure Denny’s already knit and sewn up all […]