Category: musings
This triangles quilt is…not going very quickly. I seem to have lost a bit of my quilting mojo! My favourite part is handquilting, so maybe I need to start doing whole-cloth quilts or something. Just can’t seem to get going on the piecing. I’ve been making pairs, but maybe I need to start sewing the […]
handsewn skirts
If you missed it last week, I have a pile of new patterns out – the Davenport Collection and Stoddard with Harrisville Designs! That one will get its own blog post this week. In the meantime, non-knitted finished objects! I finally got off my lazy behind and made a couple of skirts. I love them. […]
Binding Time!
I finished hand quilting on the chevron quilt! The quilting lines are about 3″-ish apart in a diagonal pattern. I’d actually love to do even more quilting on this project, but I think I might be ready to move onto the next one. On the knitting front, I have so much to do! I have […]