Category: rhinebeck

  • production knitting (and ripping)

    I’ve been busy busy getting ready for my trip to Boston and Rhinebeck! Mostly this involves running around and buying new stuff for traveling – something about taking a trip really brings out the shopper in me. I need a new water bottle! tote bag! pj pants that can be seen by other people! case […]

  • new and improved, kinda

    So this week I decided it was time to just bite the bullet and buy myself a new camera body! I love the lenses I use (Sigma 30mm f/1.4 and 17-70mm f/2.8-something) but I felt like it was time for a body upgrade. The body I was using, a d40, has been discontinued for awhile […]

  • purple and more purple

    In addition to the basket backpack, which was the first thing I picked up at Rhinebeck, here’s the bit of yarn I got! Some silk/merino from Skaska. None of the cashmere there really struck me this year (and I went early) but I love this colour. I’m already knitting some of it up! Cashmere from […]