Category: socks

  • hang on a second!

    Whoa, whoa, whoa. I was just digging in a portion of the stash (yep) and found the third ball of Kidsilk Haze that I bought for the Treeline Striped cardigan – meaning, I only actually used two skeins, not three. And now I have an extra ball (along with an extra skein of the brown […]

  • in the midst of the storm

    It was pretty to watch, but a pain in the ass to get around in! I did quite enjoy the quietness of the city under the blanket of snow – people staying in, very few cars on the road, all that jazz. Wish I could say I stayed in and baked cookies or something, but […]

  • achoo!

    I’ve been rather sneezy today, especially tonight – autumn allergy season, I guess! I was in the garden for an hour or so this evening picking tomatoes, another fifteen pounds probably. The plants are really starting to go so I tried to pick all the tomatoes from the plants that are really on the way […]