Category: socks
so many socks!
I finished up the pair of plain stockinette socks I started in Dublin – one skein of fingering weight merino from Dublin Dye Company, 2mm needles, 64 sts. Since the socks are really speaking to me these days, I decided to start a new pair – these ones are my first pair of Monkeys, believe […]
what I made while I was away
I took just 3 projects while I was traveling – a sweater (which isn’t very far along still), a shawl and a blanket. A blanket? That doesn’t seem like a good traveling project! Well, that’s true, but my blanket is made up of many many individual crocheted hexagons. So they were actually great for going […]
May 21-24: Belfast and home
On Saturday morning I got up, got some breakfast, packed up my things and headed for the O’Connelly train station in Dublin, which was conveniently located just down the street from my hotel! It took some doing to figure out when the train was from their website – it’s pretty terrible. But I eventually sussed […]