Category: socks
knitting olympics win…and fail
Win: I finished my socks! As I predicted, once I got down to it, the second one only took about a day and half to finish. Fail: I was motoring along on my black Terra sweater, getting ready to finish it up tonight and block it so I could wear it tomorrow. Body and sleeves […]
one week left
So, let’s see the state of things – Lego man has a head and torso! The torso wasn’t actually done in this photo (see how the bottom edge is curling up) but it is now, sockets and all. And I’ve knitted up the first piece of the legs. Elf shoes are done and felted, but […]
socks, socks
I actually really need to be knitting some of those French Press Felted Slippers right now since the lozenge pattern socks are off the needles! 2 skeins of Austermann Royal and loosely based on Nancy Bush’s pattern from Knitting Vintage Socks. I did my cuff differently, subbed my own heel and toe, and did the […]