Category: socks
Delicious Knee Socks Pattern!
The Delicious Knee Socks pattern is now up for sale! You’ll have lots of fun knitting and wearing these striped knee socks! Knit a custom fit in a variety of foot sizes and calf sizes – over forty size combinations. A slipped stitch “seam” up the back of the leg hides the usual jog between […]
FO: more and taller socks
I started these ones in India but didn’t get very far – I think I was on the top of the increases when I got home. These started out with the intention of being knee socks, but once I hit the ribbing I just kept going! I thought they would end up thigh-high, but they’re […]
midnight blogging
Where does the time go at night? I always intend to go to bed at a reasonable hour, but it pretty much never happens! Anyway, I’m just dropping by with some photos of current projects… These are actually just off the needles but not quite ready for a photoshoot – another pair of tall (taller […]