Category: socks
FO: delicious stripey knee socks!
Okay, so these have been a LONG time in the making – I started them way back in September in London and Paris when I went with ysolda. If I recall correctly, I do think I finished one in a pretty timely manner…but the second one took FOREVER. I guess the important thing is, now […]
success…and rippage
I managed to finally, FINALLY finish the yoke of my brown Casbah sweater – it’s taken me so many rips to work this out! This is the bottom-up set in sleeve from Knitting Workshop, and it fits! No fault of EZ’s that I had to rip so many times, I just clearly wasn’t paying enough […]
a bit of knit and purl
It’s been a nice weekend. Staying in, doing some knitting, watching tv (the Tudors and just starting True Blood), eating. I started a pair of plain socks out of Lorna’s Laces (colour: Cedar) and they’re going astonishingly fast! Well on the way to becoming the fastest pair of socks I’ve ever knit, actually. I started […]