Category: spinning
garden starts
It’s been all secret knitting around here lately, which isn’t very good for blogging! But now that the weather has turned (maybe?) and it’s a bit brighter and warmer, it was time to get some garden stuff going. I picked up a bunch of tiny pots at the dollar store to start my seedlings this […]
sexy yarns
What do you think, can yarn be sexy? I think so. New handspun – polwarth/silk. This one’s more fun than sexy, but I made this little magic ball awhile back and decided to swatch with it. It’s quite short lengths of Koigu (probably 12-24″), Russian joined together to make a scrappy ball. (What’s a Russian […]
A Little Slow
I don’t have much to blog about today! I had a bit of a run-in with a box grater last week (grating onion for latkes, worth it) that resulted in a pretty good gash to my right index finger, so I had to take a couple days off knitting. I did manage to get out […]