Category: travel

  • Amsterdam, part 2: food and stuff

    Many photos! Much prettiness! Cafe Katoen Kip in het IJ – we usually researched the places we were eating, but this one was a hungry walk-by near the Resistance museum. Bitterballen in the back, yum. Flea market at Waterlooplein Yakitori from our first night in town. Apple pie, bitter lemon, and fresh mint tea, at […]

  • Amsterdam, part 1

    Hello! It’s been awhile! We went to Amsterdam for a holiday last week and it was lovely. Of course the re-entry to real life is a bit jarring, but what’re you gonna do? Process photos! I sort of felt like I wasn’t taking very many, but it looks like between my big camera and my […]

  • Houston and Back

    We flew to Houston on Friday for my cousin Lisa’s wedding on Saturday, then came home on Sunday. It was quite a whirlwind! There was some nice sky above the clouds on the flight, but alas it was pretty grey and gloomy on the ground the whole time. No sunshine! The outdoor ceremony was a […]