Category: tyv sock knitting

  • winners!

    Whoops, sorry it’s taken me so long to get to this! When I went to get the names of the winners, I realized that in the site redesign I’d forgotten to add a bit of code that numbers the comments for me to make it easy for draws! Well, that’s all fixed now. Without further […]

  • giveaway time!

    Apologies for the lack of blog posting! I’ve been working and otherwise a little busy this week: Yesterday I (with some help) canned two bushel boxes of roma tomatoes from the grocery store – getting to the last of the season, they were only $10 each! I’m so tempted to go back and get another […]

  • the yarn…and a first!

    I bought a lot of yarn while I was away. A lot. I only bought one piece of clothing (an expensive but amazing, made-in-France skirt) and the one pair of shoes (which, by the way, are Doc Martens for anyone who asked), but I bought a hell of a lot of yarn. I hadn’t really […]