Category: world2009

  • Jan 25: Tokyo, again

    (I can’t believe I’m so far behind on the blog posts! Arghhh.) On the 25th we got up at a reasonable hour and headed out to Kyoto station to head back to Tokyo – we took a different entrance so we stumbled upon a great food stall in the basement somewhere that had lots of […]

  • website woes

    Sigh, my site is so up and down! Dreamhost is apparently working on some problems with my server cluster but doesn’t seem to be really fixing the problem, so I need to decide whether to change to a new server cluster. Not stuff I particularly want to deal with right now! I’m in Chennai right […]

  • Jan 22-24: kyoto wanderings

    Whew! I didn’t realize the blog was down until just yesterday! I didn’t have internet access for a few days so I had no idea. Sorry! Here’s my attempt at trying to catch up some more – I have steady internet now so I’m going to try and write up a bunch of posts and […]