Since I’m probably going to be spending nearly all knitting time for the rest of the month working on a sweater for Knitty (I got the yarn today and it’s gorgeous!), I figured it was a good time to finish up some lingering projects.
First up is VBC – I needed to do the neckband, sew it all together, and weave in the ends.
I managed to sew up the neckline, do the neckband, put in one sleeve and sew up the side and sleeve seams on that side. Looks like it will fit well, although the sleeve is a bit long for 3/4 length – it’s more like bracelet, maybe. I need to find buttons, too…
I also plied up some yarn – this is Navajo plied using the newly souped-up plying head. I’m not sure if I like yet; it has hooks rather than the sliding clip (it’s old) and the hooks are kind of far apart. Very difficult to fill the bobbin evenly and efficiently. Plus, the whole head is kind of heavy and takes a good bit of effort to work.
The yarn turned out pretty good though! It’s all purples and yellows, with some white and inbetweens. Merino and silk, so super soft too!
Tomorrow – the supermerino sweater.
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