debit card accident


Fleece Artist wool/silk roving and silk brick (the blue). YUM. There *cough* may also have been an incident involving eBay and three pounds of other fibre. Ahem.

Since I’ve been spinning more lately, I don’t really have much to say about the knitting – I still haven’t finished the first Jaywalker (damn size 0’s), and I’ve been working on a boy sock as well. I managed to break a lantern moon on that one, dammit! I’ve also started another plain-ish sweater, which I’ll show as soon as there’s some progress! I think the next thing I’ll cast on is a shawl – Charlotte’s Web, probably.

But look! What’s this?

A finished Nordic Memories? Soon to be revealed!

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9 responses to “debit card accident”

  1. Julie Avatar

    Re: Finished Nordic Memories.
    Just beautiful, Laura.

  2. Vicki Avatar

    Sweater looks great, gorgeous fibre, I wouldn’t have resisted either and how awful about the lantern moon. Shawls, oh so lovely things they are. I vote shawl as the next project.

  3. Jill Avatar

    you are such a tease!

  4. Colleen Avatar

    Great job on the sweater. I especially like the contrast color around the neckline.

  5. Chris Avatar

    Oh, show more of that finished sweater! Heh – love the title of your post. :)

  6. --Deb Avatar

    Oops! However did that happen? Hope nobody was hurt . . . they should really have insurance for this sort of thing . . .

    The sweater looks great–can’t wait to see it!

  7. Lori Avatar

    I am so amazed by your speed and professional results! You give me something to aspire to. Someday I will knit faster!

  8. stephanie Avatar

    The blue fleece artist silk reminds me of a starry sky.
    Good thing you got it first.

  9. jacqueline Avatar

    oooo – i can’t wait to see you modeling your nordic memories sweater. it looks divine

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