I’ve been spending pretty much all my time this week more or less like this:
Insert Doctor Who and some Stargate:Atlantis in for the
Thanks for all the well wishes for my ankle – it’s definitely better, the swelling’s gone down a fair bit and I’m hobbling around okay (although still resting! of course!). I’m aiming to be back at work on Monday, although I might leave Tuesday in Natalie’s capable hands! We’ll see – I’m probably in no shape to be standing around in the dye studio next week.
Despite all the resting and sitting around time, I’m getting surprisingly little done in the way of work! I’m knitting the edging of the Mooi shawl now, and it’s coming along nicely.
I like that it’s knitted in along the edge. It’s pretty!
I’ve also been writing a number of lists –
At the end of the month I’m headed out on a jet plane to visit with Ysolda! You might remember she came and stayed with me back in May, so now it’s my turn. I’ll admit I’m apprehensive about the trip, mostly the flying – I’m not a great flyer and it’ll be the longest one I’ve been on! Across water and stuff! Yikes!
I’m flying in and out of Edinburgh, but in between we’ll be taking some trips to London and Paris – we’ve got some accommodation in London, but we could still use some for a couple nights in both cities. Hostel recommendations, offerings of couches? Would be awesomely appreciated!
Suggestions of things to do in each city would be fantastic too! We’ll definitely be hitting up iknit day in London on the 6th, but other than that, I think we pretty open to recommendations!
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